Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Report for Berlin Calling

1. What do drugs mean to Ickarus?

Ickarus was a good electronic musician. In recently years, record companies were not interested on his new works, he felt depression. He chose drugs to help him to relax and look for inspiration.

2. Why, when and how are his fans taking drugs, and which drugs do they take?

Some of his fans just take drugs for fun, they want drugs to help them to enjoy the music. They took cocaine and ingest pills. They took the drugs in club or around some music events.

3. While we can see that his drug habits get him ill and into a psychosis, and while we witness his relapse and inability to work successfully, why does the subculture Ickarus is in focus on drugs?

Ickarus may make a wrong view, he didn’t understand how bed effects the drugs will make. He was a young man, sometimes he cannot face the pressure in a right way. He use drugs to help him to escape problems.

4. Compare the standards you know from your home society with the people you see depicted in this movie. Which are the stark differences and contrasts?

I haven’t seen any people like Ickarus. I have seen lots of young people, they like go to club or pub and drunk. When they play in pub, they will forget the things they need to face.

5. Germany is considered a strong industrial nation the world over. Do you think that the youth culture as depicted here could change that? How about work ethics of Ickarus and of Alice, the label director who fires and then re-signs him?

I think it probably will change that.

6. Which similar “cult movies” of US origin have you seen, if any?

I didn’t watch this kind of movie in US. But I watch some similar movie in China as Struggle.

This movie discussed the inspiration. The creation need inspiration, where is the inspiration. Ickarus’ inspiration comes from the vision of drugs that create, actually finally he found his inspiration was given by his real life. When he saw his girlfriend was still love him, although she lived with other girl. When he saw the people and things in the psychiatric hospital, his inspiration was coming.

“Berlin calling”, the call may be exactly what world give us the attention of. Music now has a new media - computers. Anything you want to note, you all can show through the computer. Music is really important for Ickarus, it’s reflected in his creation or when he was in the bottleneck. If music has sons, Ickarus will be one of them. When I was in China, I have found there are few people like Ickarus. They didn’t use drugs, but they also like to find some crazy way to relax and to release the pressure. Someone like go to pub, they drunk and dance. At time they feel really relax and have fun. Most of them found it was not a good choose to live in one day. All of them will try to find their inspiration in their real life.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The assignment for All Quiet on the Western Front Movie

After I fishing reading the Book ‘All Quiet on the Western Front and the Movie, I found this movie has a very strong ideological. It shows a great anti-war opinion. There are few movies which talk about war can be as good as this movie. It’s a classic anti-war movie. Director use outstanding photography, realistic style to show the war, position, charge, melee and cruel terror. Savage murder scene taken is very distinct, it has impressionist style. Meanwhile, the film high art achievement and the rich connotation and make it become a ‘good Ph.D. Thesis. There is not too much movie which talks about the first war, especially in recently years. Born in the end of World War I, the theme of the film All Quiet on the western front can be said to be an exception. Until today, the film is still look very sharp. This based on the novel by the film based on a group of German soldiers eye showed that how brutality the war is. This is the truth portraiture of World War I. At the same time it also gives us the certain enlightenment: sometimes silence is the best way to show the war. All the war had made the earth became macabre, many people crying, struggling, calling, they want to leave the threat of death, but only released to went down. The war brings human blood disaster is not able to forget, that is the spirit and flesh wounds of human beings. All Quiet on the Western Front is small miniature of the World War I. This movie tell people how terrible the war is, he want tell people a peace world is beautiful and bright. This movie is be given first prizes with strong philosophical works by Oscar. It is the great anti-war film in the history. It reveals the terrible war, destroyed the so-called live patriotic. In the third Oscar, it won the best picture and best director. It’s one of the 100 classic movies in US.
