Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Three states by our group

Berlin is the capital city of Germany and is one of the 16 states of Germany. It is located in northeastern Germany. With the population of 3.45 million people, it is the largest city in Germany. The total annual state budget of Berlin in 2007 exceeded $28.7 billion including a budget surplus of $112 million. The figures indicate the first surplus in the history of the city state. Due to increasing growth rates and tax revenues, the Senate of Berlin calculates an increasing budget surplus in 2008. In 2009, the nominal GDP of the citystate Berlin experienced a growth rate of 1.7% and totaled about $117 billion. Berlin's economy is dominated by the service sector, with around 80% of all companies doing business in services. The unemployment rate had steadily decreased over the past decade and reached a 13-year low in 2008; As of April 2010 unemployment was at 14.2%. Industries that do business in the creative arts and entertainment are an important and sizable sector of the economy of Berlin. The creative arts sector comprises music, film, advertising, architecture, art, design, fashion, performing arts, publishing, R&D, software, TV, radio, and video games. Around 22,600 creative enterprises, predominantly SMEs, generated over 18,6 billion Euro in total revenue. Berlin's creative industries have contributed an estimated 20% of Berlin's gross domestic product in 2005. The German headquarter of Universal Music is based in Berlin.
The State of Bremen, located in northwestern Germany is a two-part Hanseatic city. It consists of Bremerhaven, a port at the Wesser river mouth of the North Sea, and the city of Bremen, located 60km south of Bremerhaven. Bremen is about the size of Atlanta Georgia, and has about double the population of St. Paul, Minnesota.
As a port city, one third of Bremen's GDP is from Trade and Shipping. Bremen also has a sizeable industrial sector specializing in shipbuilding, aerospace, and fishprocessing industries. In recent decades, however, the manufacturing industry has grown weak in Bremen, and they have invested in the high-tech and services sectors. Education was expanded to accomodate these changes with the founding of the University of Bremen in 1971, and the expansion of Bremen's Fachhochschulen. Bremen is now regarded as a centre for research and technology.
Bremen is a city of old traditions. One of which is the Freimarkt. First held in 1035, it is the oldest celebreated fair in Germany. It is held for 17 days in the last weeks of October. Events include the Freimarktsumzug parade, made up of over 100 floats among others.

Bayern, also know as Bavaria, is in south eastern Germany. It is Germany's largest state with 12.5 million people, which turns out to be 20% of Germany's total population. After WWII it transformed from a poor agricultural state to the center of thriving industrialism. Bavaria holds the headquarters for BMW, Audi, Puma and Adidas. It has the largest columbian brewery and a major dutch brewery. It has the largest and healthiest economy in Germany, in fact, if Bavaria was its own country, only 17 other countries would have a higher GDP. Bavaria was a kingdom from 1806-1918, since then it has been a free state. It has a multi-party government, which the conservative Christian Social Union has dominated since 1945. In WWII it was strongly occupied by Nazi and U.S Troops which concluded that it was heavily bombed. Their relgion is predomanatly roman catholic. They take pride in tradition and celebrate with festivials and dances. Fun Fact: annualy, theres an average of 170 liters of beer consumed PER PERSON!

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