Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The role women and men in 18th century

I will talk about the man and woman in 18th century in China. I think it may help us learn more things about man and woman in 18th century in the world. In 18th century European countries went to industrial age, China was still in the feudal society. In 1800-1900 China was controlled by The Qing dynasty. In those 100 years, women’s status in society is in a very low position. In that century, it was polygyny. But most marriages were not freedom love. Your parents would control who you could marry with. Especially for women, they didn’t have right to choose their own marriage, family would do all arrangements for her. Most of the time, the families depend on marriage to get more interests. Women’s marriage in that time looks like a means to profit. European countries were in the tide of the industrial revolution, depend on China in 18th century, the marriage would be more freedom, although at that age, women were still in a low position in the social. After marriage, it was also not inequality for men and women in that time. If you were a wife, you’d better contact with other heterosexual too much, especially make special relationship. At that time, it will be defined as not keep her virginity, you may be get serious punishment even be killed. For men, you could get lots of wife. Men can choose a divorce but women cannot. It means, if your husband does not love you any more, you have no idea to leave him. If he does not want to make a divorce, you only choice is stay with him. In daily life, Most women were house wife. You do not need to work, you also have no chance to work. In government, there was no women female official. They only way for women can get a good life in that year was to get marry with a rich man or an officer. Of course, you can also choose to try to enter the palace, but it was a more dangerous place for women. So in 18th century, the women had a much lower position in the social than men in China. In European countries, it was changed because of the industrial revolution.

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